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Where did the week go???

Well, I was really looking forward to this past week.  It’s halfway through the semester and I had the week off from teaching because of the Columbus day weekend.  I had high hopes of beasting out ridiculous amounts of MadameStitch work – designing, writing patterns, getting product ready for sale, revising the website…you get the idea.  Enter the dreaded plague that’s been going around for 3 or 4 weeks and all of my beautiful plans went down the tubes.  I thought I had made it through the worst of the illness around me.  After all, I rarely get what my students and my grandchildren bring around.  This bad boy got passed around to almost all of my students, to my grandkids, and, of course, to their mom and dad.  I’d been with them all and nothing!  Except then my husband got it.  I stayed clear of him as much as I could but it ended up being for nought.  Just as my glorious week was about to begin, I came down with the dreaded cough, that thick, gross, deep chest kind of cough that’s only caused by postnasal drip.  No nasal or sinus congestion – that’s an upside I suppose. And, it ain’t goin’ away any time soon.  I’ve consumed a gross of cough drops (yes, I’ll probably die from that), enough Alka-Seltzer Plus to choke a horse (no, wait, that was me choking), and I’ve drunk countless cups of doctored tea.

I allowed myself the luxury of not pushing myself this week, thinking that, if I just rested and went with the flow, this bug would depart faster.  Again, no dice.  I didn’t get to teach my weekly crochet class, I missed kickboxing both days, and even cancelled my remaining students on Thursday.  There’s only so much a person can cancel before critical mass has been approached.  No more time off for this girl; gotta pick up the pace again…

In reality, I guess I can’t count this week as a total loss, though.  I did a fair amount of work on my product and crafting (see picture below).  I did get some website revising done (check it out, it’s looking better).  My midterm grades are turned in and I certainly got plenty of rest 🙂  It just wasn’t the way I had planned the week.  Perhaps my to-do list was too long and the sanity gods were giving me a reality check…nope, that never happens!

Earwarmer stash

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